Pool Winter Cover Troubleshooting

Winter Cover has Ripped Seams.Faulty Seam Manufacturing.Replace cover at price indicated on Warranty Replacement Cost Sheet. Customer must have receipt or proof of purchase.Warranty does not cover labor costs, loss of water or chemicals, misuse of product or faulty installation.
Winter Cover is Torn (Not On Seam).Cover has been dragged across ground or sharp edges or been subjected to excessive weight.Cover should not be reused, AND it is not covered under any warranty.Discuss proper handling and care Remove excess water. Remove leaves Suggest use of cover clips (a/g only)
Grommets are pulling out of Cover.Cover has been subjected to excessive weight (water bottles or other types of weights to hold cover down.) Water level of pool too low which creates excess stress on cover. Cover is not covered under any warranty. Educate customer on protecting the solar cover from the sun while off the pool.Educate customer on proper water levels and about water displacement.
Cover is Brittle or Bleached.Cover has been exposed to excessive chlorine or bromine levels.Cover is not covered under any warranty. When shocking the pool, keep blanket off for at least 24 hours.

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