Rotate Your Spa Filters

Nothing is more important for hot tub water quality than your filtering system. A dirty and clogged or worn-out filter will fail its job of trapping contaminants, and put strain on your spa’s pump. Clean your filters often and replace them every 2 to 3 years as needed.

We recommend 2 different methods of filter cleaning, rotating or complete switch cleaning.

We Recommend the filter rotation method– while cleaning your dirty filter, swap it with a clean dry spare. With this system you’ll never have to wait to use your spa, and your filters will last longer. Allowing filters to dry completely after cleaning will help destroy any resident microorganisms.

Start by number your filters with a marker (see photo). If your hot tub has 5 filters you have 1 extra filter that is always clean. When beginning the rotation remove the dirty filer and set it aside. Rotate all the other filters clock wise, replacing the gray stand pipe with the clean cartridge (Hot Spring). Other spas the stand pipe connected to the circulation pump. This should be done weekly.Clean your dirty cartridge with Bear Strip and allow to dry.

Completely Switch Your Spa Filters

Using this method you will have to have a complete second set of filters. Label your filters with A for 1 set and B for the second set. Every 2 weeks completely switch from A to B. Clean the dirty set and allow to dry. Allowing filters to dry completely after cleaning will help destroy any resident microorganisms.


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