Staycation It’s good for your mental health


Last year (2020) a Seven day vacation for our family of four at world famous resort, and staying on the resort property would cost $8,333 or $5,738 at a non-resort property (Does not include the cost of Tiki Bar snacks & meals). Staycation It’s good for your mental health and your wallet.

Staycation It’s good for your mental health

We are bringing back the staycation, (Staycation It’s good for your mental health) get a 24’ Oxbow above ground pool installed with package for Years and Years of relaxation, refreshment and enjoyment in your back yard. With multiple Above Ground and In-Ground pool options we are sure to have the pool to fit your needs.

You see more of your friends and family

Simply put, a swimming pool is a social magnet. It gives friends and neighbors a reason to come over and just hang out. It gives you an excuse to host a party once in a while, even if you’re not the most outgoing person. And, most importantly for parents and grandparents, it keeps the kids close. In a perfect world, people wouldn’t need an excuse to spend time together. However, the reality is that people get wrapped up in their daily lives and the distractions of ever-present technology. A swimming pool provides that little bit of extra impetus to break from the routine and spend time with others. And best of all, cell phones aren’t invited.

Staycation It’s good for your mental healthStaycation Boy on float

Well a Vacation can be good for your mental health a Staycation is even better. Ever notice how people who live near water seem a lot more laid back than the rest of us? For most people, water is an amazingly effective natural stress reliever. Floating weightlessly in water (or on a pool float) is a comforting, almost womb-like experience that tends to make anxiety dissolve away. Better yet, even being near a pool can have a positive impact on your state of mind. Beautiful surroundings and the soothing sound of water offer the perfect setting for quiet meditation. You can enhance the effect by installing water features and/or building your pool close to the house.

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