Mid Winter Pool Maintenance
Proper seasonal maintenance will keep your pool in top shape-and ready to enjoy.
Here are a few tips:
- Whenever possible, remove excess snow from your pool cover. Do NOT use a shovel or chip the ice off, as this can cause damage to the cover. Something like a broom, or even your Telescopic Pole with a Brush attached would suffice.
- On warm days, drain as much water off your cover as possible using a cover pump.
- If your pool water level has dropped considerably, consider pumping the water from your cover into your pool to raise the water level and prevent ice damage. To do this, we recommend using a Bobby disposable pre-filter to catch any debris the cover pump may let through.
- Always place something like a Frisbee under the cover pump. Most pumps are strong enough to pull water through the cover.
- Inspect your pool and cover.
***NOTE*** If you notice excessive weight on your cover, release your cover and allow it to fall into your pool. Cleaning up a dirty pool is a lot less expensive then a new pool.