Mike From Ludlow, MA Writes: Why Does My Pool Pillow Pop?
Q: Mike from Ludlow, MA writes:
I live in Ludlow, MA and I bought a Teddy Bear Above Ground Pool 3 years ago. Every winter I put my 4×4 pillow in the middle of the pool and then put my winter cover on. With in a week the pillow is gone. Why does my pool pillow pop?
A: Stephen, Store Manager
Teddy Bear Pools & Spas
The most common reason is the pillow is over inflated. If the pillow is full when you place it under the winter cover and we get a sunny day or two, the heat will make the pillow expand and if it is over full it will pop.
The pillow should be inflated only just over half full. This gives it plenty of room to expand. You should also check the seal once you close it by placing it under water and squeezing the bag. This will verify the seal is not leaking.
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